Sunday, February 04, 2007


Tonight I read a really good book called "Who Moved My Cheese?". This book was loaned to me by a very dear friend this afternoon. Don't act so shocked, ok? I do read once in a while, you know. haha.

I think this is such a good book, a kind of motivational/self-help book which I think I can really apply the concept in my life now. It tells a very simple story and yet the message is so inspirational. Want to know what's it about? Well, I won't spoil it for you, get the book & go have a read yourself!

May be we can have a little discussion about the contents :)


Bobby Ong said...

i read the book a few years ago and indeed the book is a really good book...

we must always adapt to changes or we would just lose out.....

Lengx2 said...

bobby: yes, change is always around us no matter how much we try to resist it.

Anonymous said...

I think they have a new book already something along the line, Who moved my cheese.. I think it's, I got the cheese or something.. I have 2 of this book at home.

Lengx2 said...

jeffery: I agree with you, there are heaps of changes nowadays which I think are unnecessary, like the saying goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" I think we just have to take this book and apply it to circumstances which we don't have control of, and start to adapt to the new situations.

gina: Really? Cool, I go check it out :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder, are we change because the society change, or the society force us to change? Who change who here?